Dame Fiona Reynolds

Chair of the Bennett Institute Management Board

Dame Fiona Reynolds DBE is the Chair of the Management Board for the Bennett Institute. She is the chair of the National Audit Office and Chair of the Governing Council...

Professor Toke Aidt

Toke Aidt is a Professor of Economics and Politics at the Faculty of Economics, University of Cambridge, and a Fellow of Jesus College. His research areas include Public Choice, Political...

Professor Sir John Aston

Harding Professor of Statistics in Public Life

Professor Sir John Aston is Harding Professor of Statistics in Public Life, University of Cambridge. He is based in the Statistical Laboratory, Dept of Pure Maths and Mathematical Statistics and...

Professor Jude Browne

Head of Department of Politics and International Studies

Professor Jude Browne is the Head of Department of Politics and International Studies and the Jessica and Peter Frankopan Director of the University of Cambridge Centre for Gender Studies (on leave...

Professor Sarah Dillon

Sarah Dillon is Professor of Literature and the Public Humanities in the Faculty of English at the University of Cambridge. She is a scholar of contemporary literature, film and philosophy,...

Rob Doubleday

Dr Rob Doubleday

Executive Director, Centre for Science and Policy

Rob Doubleday became CSaP Executive Director in 2012, having previously led the Centre’s research programme. His research is concerned with understanding the role of science and technology in contemporary societies...

Tim Harper

Professor Tim Harper

Professor of the History of Southeast Asia Head, School of Humanities and Social Sciences

Tim Harper is Director of the Centre for History and Economics, Professor of the History of Southeast Asia, University of Cambridge, and a Fellow of Magdalene College. His research interests centre...

Professor Tim Minshall

Dr John C Taylor Professor of Innovation & Head of the Institute for Manufacturing (IfM)

Professor Tim Minshall is the inaugural Dr John C Taylor Professor of Innovation at the University of Cambridge, Head of the Institute for Manufacturing (IfM), Head of the IfM’s Centre for Technology Management...

Baroness Sally Morgan

Master of Fitzwilliam College, Cambridge

Baroness Sally Morgan became Fitzwilliam College’s ninth Master on 1 October 2019. She was born and went to school in Liverpool. She is a Labour peer, worked for eight years...

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