Kado Muir is a cultural leader and senior knowledge holder from the Ngalia dialect family of the Mantjiltjara language group, with traditional territorial ties in the Western Deserts of Western Australia. He is a First Nations Australian entrepreneur, artist, anthropologist and indigenous rights activist, and a fierce advocate for the preservation and maintenance of First Nations languages, protection of cultural heritage and the pursuit of environmental and land justice in Australia.
Kado is Chair of the National Native Title Council, Co-Chair of the First National Heritage Protection Alliance and a steering group member of the First Nations Clean Energy Network. He is also Chair of the Wakamurru Aboriginal Corporation Registered Native Title Bodies Corporate (RNTBC), the Prescribed Body Corporate (PBC) for Manta Rirrtinya Native Title Determination and a director of Tjiwarl Aboriginal Corporation Registered Native Title Bodies Corporate (RNTBC) for the Tjiwarl Determination.
Kado Muir