Published on 3 August 2020
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Experts launch international digital skills project for public servants

Experts from ten institutions - including Cambridge and Harvard Universities – have launched a new international project to bring digital era skills to public servants.

‘Teaching Public Service in the Digital Age’ is a new, international community of professors, teachers and practitioners who are worried about the modern skills shortfall inside of too many governments. The community, originated by Tom Steinberg and David Eaves, has come together with a shared goal: to increase the supply of digital era public service skills into governments and the broader policy community.

It is increasingly important for emerging policymakers to navigate the complex set of opportunities and challenges that digital and emerging technologies present for government, and to do so with contextual awareness of local political and administrative cultures.

Dr Tanya Filer

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Media coverage received:

Government Computing, Computer Weekly

The views and opinions expressed in this post are those of the author(s) and not necessarily those of the Bennett Institute for Public Policy.

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