Published on 4 February 2020
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Policy guidance for science and engineering researchers launched

The Bennett Institute together with CSaP and Churchill College have launched a new set of policy resources to help academics specialising in science and engineering engage with policy makers.

Funded by the EPSRC, the online articles and publications aim to demystify the complex world of policy making.  The policy resources provide practical suggestions to researchers new to the development process to help them engage with, and potentially influence, a range of policy makers both within and external to the UK parliament and government.

The Policy Resources has been set-up by Sarah Foster, Research Associate at the Bennett Institute. She comments: “Scientific and engineering expertise is used by policy makers in a variety of ways from informing policy making to scrutinising legislation, laws and procedures – and ultimately can hold policy makers to account “

“We hope this resource set, which we have made freely available to find and use, will incentivise early to mid-career post PhD researchers who want to engage with policy in some way but don’t know where to start.”

The resource pages will be developed further during 2020, incorporating feedback from academics to improve it.

Explore our Policy Resources


If you have been reading the Policy Resources pages and would like to give feedback, please email titling your message ‘Policy Resources’ for more information.

Project supported by

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The views and opinions expressed in this post are those of the author(s) and not necessarily those of the Bennett Institute for Public Policy.

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