Published on 4 March 2019
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Brexit  •  Government

The Telegraph: Officials were ready for Brexit in 1975. How different could things have been if they had prepared this time round?

Dr Lindsay Aqui has written an opinion piece in The Telegraph on planning for the 1975 and 2016 referendums in the UK to coincide with her latest report.

The article follows the publication of her new report for the Bennett Institute on referendum contingency planning.

She writes: “ ‘Nobody in Whitehall or Westminster yet has a grasp of what needs to be done, let alone how to go about doing it.’ This damning verdict of the UK government’s failure to plan for Brexit was published by the Financial Times shortly after the 2016 European Union (EU) referendum.”

Read the full article on The Telegraph online.

The views and opinions expressed in this post are those of the author(s) and not necessarily those of the Bennett Institute for Public Policy.

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