Published on 9 March 2021
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Is there a more climate-friendly way to assess the state of our economies?

As a climate catastrophe looms, Dr Matthew Agarwala talks to Channel 4 News about how introducing a new metric, which goes beyond GDP and takes natural capital into account, is a better way to assess the state of our economies.

 As the United Nations Statistical Commission deliberates adopting a new framework that takes natural capital like forests, oceans and other ecosystems, into account, Dr Matthew Agarawala and other experts including Professor Sir Partha Dasgupta, speak to Channel 4 News about going beyond GDP and using other better ways to assess the state of our economies.

Watch the video below. Dr Agarwala’s interview begins at 1m18s.

Know more about the proposed System of Environmental Economic Accounts (SEEA) framework which the Bennett Institute’s Wealth Ecomomy team collaborated on with UN DESA by watching our co-hosted event, “Building Back Better: Natural Capital Accounting for a Green Recovery” and report, “Building Forward: Investing in a resilient recovery“. 

The views and opinions expressed in this post are those of the author(s) and not necessarily those of the Bennett Institute for Public Policy.

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