YouGov, the international research and data analytics group headquartered in London, has released a new study on globalisation and populism in partnership with the Guardian and the Bennett Institute for Public Policy at Cambridge University.
Set to become an annual survey, the YouGov-Cambridge Globalism Project will be the new flagship project for the YouGov-Cambridge Centre, a joint research centre run by YouGov and Cambridge University’s Department of Politics and International Studies (POLIS).
YouGov CEO Stephan Shakespeare, and YouGov Academic Director Dr Joel Rogers De Waal are working with the Bennett Insitute as Affiliated Researchers. Bennett Institute directors Professors Michael Kenny and Diane Coyle, helped shape the globalism survey.
The first set of findings have been published in the Guardian.
The research findings will be further explored at a public event on 13 May in collaboration with The Guardian as part of their new populism series. The event, entitled: ‘The new populism: In conversation with Tony Blair’ will feature the former Prime Minister in conversation with Paul Lewis, editor of The Guardian’s project on populism, and YouGov CEO, Stephan Shakespeare, introducing the research findings.
YouGov CEO, Shakespeare said: “The YouGov-Cambridge Globalism Project is a new, annual study and the largest of its kind on populism and the public state of globalisation, including national samples in twenty-three countries spanning the world. The rise in populism and the issues and events that have taken place in the last decade have provided practitioners a plethora of data points to develop an extensive, multidimensional survey, which can correlate attitudes and behaviour across myriad areas of life: from politics and democracy to food, travel and technology; from soft power and supra-nationalism to consumer habits and the environment. We are delighted to collaborate with the Guardian in bringing the study’s findings to life at this important forum.”
The Globalisation Project surveys were carried out online with fieldwork undertaken 28 February, 2019 to 26 March, 2019. Total sample sizes included: France=1021; Germany=1497; Italy=1005; Spain=1014; Sweden=1011; Denmark=1010; Poland=1019; Britain=1949; Australia=1006; United States=2012; Canada=1006; Japan=1143; Brazil=1006; Mexico=1009; Turkey=506; Egypt*=1537; Saudi Arabia*=828; India*=1035; China*=1021; Indonesia*=1001; Thailand*=1043; Nigeria*=644; South Africa=1002.
NOTE: For those markets labelled *, the figures have been weighted and are representative of the online adult population aged 18+. For all other markets, the figures have been weighted and are representative of the adult population aged 18+. For combined country samples, each country has been given an even weighting. All figures, unless otherwise stated, are from YouGov Plc.
The views and opinions expressed in this post are those of the author(s) and not necessarily those of the Bennett Institute for Public Policy.