2nd workshop on UK digital economics


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The Yusuf Hamied Theatre, Christ's College, Cambridge (in person only)

The UK – Researcher Practitioner Network for the Economics of Digitization. Second workshop on digital economics.

Workshop programme

Confirmed participants

Jacques Cremer (Toulouse School of Economics), Diane Coyle (Bennett Institute for Public Policy), Karen Croxson (Financial Conduct Authority), Amelia Fletcher (University of East Anglia), Greg Taylor (University of Oxford), Tommaso Valletti (Imperial College London), and Jonathan Porter (Ofcom).

Background and objective

DigEcon connects research about the Economics of Digitization to policy and managerial practice. The aim is to create a network that gets UK-based researchers and practitioners to talk to each other, by meeting once a year to do two things: 1) Present recent research and work in progress about the economics of digitization and 2) Receive feedback and input from practitioners where they would need more useful answers from the research community.

A group with similar goals in the United States meets twice a year, at the National Bureau of Economic Research. In the UK, there are many researchers interested in Digitization, but a network has been sorely missing. We conceived this group in Spring 2022 and plan to make this an annual event. Currently, speakers from several universities (Cambridge, Oxford, Imperial, East Anglia) and the Competition and Markets Authority, have confirmed their attendance, with forthcoming acceptances from the Government’s Department for Digital, Culture, Media & Sport, and Ofcom.


This year’s workshop is hosted by the Bennett Institute for Public Policy, University of Cambridge; and is sponsored by the Bennett Institute for Public Policy, the Centre for Competition Policy, and the University of East Anglia. It will be held in person to provide a unique opportunity for the cross-fertilization of ideas between scholars and practitioners in competition policy. It will see the presentation of papers by both academics and economists working in government, as discussants.

Topics of interest

Internet and telecommunications | Digital markets and platforms | Artificial intelligence | Cloud computing | Big data | Value of data | Social media | ICT and innovation | ICT, productivity and growth | ICT and the labour market | Digital divide | Intellectual property rights | Standards | Competition policy and regulation of ICT | Economics of privacy.

Travel, accommodation, and funding

Participants are asked to cover their own travel and accommodation. A limited amount of funding is available for PhD students and speakers (upon request) to cover reasonable travel and hotel costs within a certain radius of Cambridge.

Cambridge University accommodation can be booked at universityrooms.com.

If would like more information, please email inquiries to the Digital Economy Network.


The event is free but booking is required. Book your place

We hope you can join us.

Diane Coyle, Bennett Institute for Public Policy, University of Cambridge

Sean Ennis, Norwich Business School and Director of the Centre Competition Policy, UEA

Michael Kummer, School of Economics, UEA

How we use your information when you register for an event – Data privacy statement


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The Yusuf Hamied Theatre, Christ's College, Cambridge (in person only)




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