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What does levelling up mean for Cambridge and the wider region?

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What is the relevance of levelling up to places like Cambridge as well as the role of infrastructure in delivering the levelling up agenda to fulfil the needs of local residents, businesses and public services?

Read about the event highlights.

Cambridge is an affluent city known the world over for its university, medical organisations and knowledge-driven growth.  And yet the so-called ‘Cambridge phenomenon’ has its winners and losers, with some communities feeling the impact of growth without necessarily benefiting from it.

Boris Johnson is overseeing the “biggest infrastructure spend for a generation” to level up left behind areas in the UK. There is a lot of media attention on the north but what about places like Cambridge?

What is the role of social and physical infrastructure in addressing these and other issues to ensure a more equal future for Cambridge people?

Local people working in the community, business, policy research and government share their experiences and reflections on the levelling up agenda; is it achievable and how. They discuss the current and planned social and physical infrastructures, the role of their work, and the impact it will play in delivering a fairer City.

  • Dr Julian Huppert, Director of the Intellectual Forum at Jesus College, Cambridge, and former MP for Cambridge

This event was part of the University’s Cambridge Festival 2021.

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