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Practical Competition Policy Implications of Digital Platforms: Taking Schumpeter Seriously

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23/05/2018 | 5.00pm to 6.30pm
S1, The Alison Richard Building, 7 West Road, Cambrigde, CB3 9DP

Seminar with Professor Diane Coyle.


The traditional tools of competition policy are difficult to interpret in the context of multi-sided digital platforms. The size and apparent market power of some platforms means competition authorities are facing calls for tougher action. However, both regulatory intervention and anti-trust enforcement will remain controversial until economic analysis provides some tools for a systematic assessment of competition in these markets. A particular analytical and empirical challenge is incorporating the dynamic as well as static effects of platforms’ dominance, given the evidently large consumer benefits they provide, and the fact that the growth of digital platforms rests on innovation and competition for the market.

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Speakers & Hosts

Diane Coyle 2018

Professor Diane Coyle

Bennett Professor of Public Policy and Co-Director of the Bennett Institute for Public Policy

Professor Coyle co-directs the Bennett Institute with Professor Kenny. She is heading research under the progress and productivity themes. Biography Professor Dame Diane Coyle is the Bennett Professor of Public Policy at...

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