Published on 20 May 2024
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Exploring sectoral relatedness in East Anglia

This study by Burcu Sevde Selvi and Owen Garling uses network analysis to explore the spatial and sectoral dimensions of productivity to better understand the underlying reasons for slow productivity growth in East Anglia.

Relatedness has become a key concept in regional studies, and argues that the growth of an industry in a region depends on the presence of related activities in the area. This study applies network tools to a novel dataset based on a new classification of data – Real Time Industrial Classifications – to map the sectoral relatedness in East Anglia. We identify seven sectoral family groups and find that the life sciences, net zero, and research & consulting-related sectors have a strong influence over other sectors in the region. The results provide evidence of how different sectors within a geographically defined location connect as a network, enabling knowledge and practices to flow between different sectors. We conclude by discussing some of the implications for regional policy.

Blog: Exploring sectoral relatedness in East Anglia


Burcu Sevde Selvi

Research Assistant

Burcu is a Research Assistant at the Bennett Institute for Public Policy. Her main research interests revolve around labour economics, specifically focusing on the dynamics of the school-to-work transition, skills...

Owen Garling

Knowledge Transfer Facilitator

Owen Garling is the Bennett Institute’s Knowledge Transfer Facilitator and he provides an important conduit between our own researchers and policymakers in the UK and internationally. His work helps to...

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