Published on 5 August 2019
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Modelling the possible returns to the NHS from private sector use of the 100K genomes database


Modelling the possible returns to the NHS from private sector use of the 100K genomes database


Finbarr Livesey
Department of Politics and International Studies (POLIS)
University of Cambridge

Published: August 2019
Working paper – subject to revision in future publication


The development of publicly-owned genomics databases linked to health records challenges the standard model of drug development. The usual assumptions of transferring intellectual property (IP) or other knowledge from the public to the private sector do not hold. This article models the possible returns such a database as that developed through the 100K Genomes project might return to the UK healthcare system if those in control of the database are willing to engage in new contractual arrangements. This is possibly the only time the public sector has the advantage in negotiating these relationships and structures put in place now will remain for many years to come.

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